My work is the compounding of countless experiences embedded both above and below the surface of awareness. This vast amount of information is crystalized into the objects I create and the personality they exhibit. I think of the final objects in terms of meta data. A consideration of large amounts of information combined to create a unique new set of data that involves both the living and the mechanical. Ambiguity is my starting point and I find concept to evolve as the work nears completion and associations develop. For me the act of making is both a struggle and a joy that I consider an accurate representation of the overall life experience.
April 2010 CCACA Student Exhibition, Davis Ca
April 2011 CCACA Student Exhibition, Davis Ca
May 2012- HSU senior show laundry award winner (ceramics award)
April April 2012 CCACA Student Exhibition, Davis Ca
Jul 2012- Dragon Summer First Street Gallery Emerging Alumni Show
April 2016- Art Wars Pop up Gallery
Aug 2016- Meta Data, a solo show at studio 424